Friday, June 19, 2009

I Heart Tyler!

Ok, don't get all excited. I do NOT have a new boyfriend. (men...hmmph!) This here is my little virtual friend Tyler. (He'll balk at me calling him little, but I'll do it anyway).

I follow T's blog quite religiously. Some might say obsessively, but what do THEY know? He has lost an astounding 90 pounds in 21 weeks and has made some remarkable changes both inside and out.
Every so often, T issues himself a workout challenge of sorts. On his blog, he'll let people add to his treadmill time by posting comments or posting his blog link (on Facebook, their own blog, MySpace, whatever). If you post his link on your page, you'll add 3 minutes to his workout time. If you go to his blog and leave a comment, you'll add 30 seconds. If you do both, you'll add 3:30 to his workout time. Get it?

I want to be the reason Tyler has to stay on the treadmill for like 3 hours, so I want all my little blog stalkers to post his link on their blogs/facebook/whatever and then go leave him a comment letting him know you did, so that he will have to tack on another 3 min. 30 secs. to his workout for EACH person who does this.

His blog link is:, and it really is a great read if you've ever struggled with losing weight--whether it be 80 pounds or 8. If you don't leave the comment on his blog, your time won't get added to his workout. So that's important!

Note: The window to do this is a small one. He's taking comments until 6am tomorrow, then this workout pledge is done for now.

Make Tyler work his tushie off---literally!

Yeah, I know, I should be doing this, too. Maybe next week.


Anonymous said...

You're just doing this to entertain yourself at his expense and suffering, aren't you? Sniff! It's almost like we're sisters!

BossyMommy said...

Ok, but I want to be the pretty one.

Tyler said...

Oh, that's me.