Sunday, May 10, 2009

I don't want to spend too much time on the computer today, but I couldn't let the day go by without a short Mom's day post. Mostly I'm just here to exploit my darling children, but I want all you special mommies and women in general to know how much I love and appreciate you. I don't believe there is one woman reading this who has not impacted me and/or my children in a big and positive way.

Happy Mother's Day, mom. I hope your day (and your facial, eventually) are completely wonderful.
A Mother's day gift worth mentioning (from my 9 year old): she decided to go missing for about a half hour after church today. Was out in the front yard playing, as she often is, then suddenly she wasn't. Called, yelled, screamed her name all over the place, nothing. I was praying crying, calling neighbors, and they were even heading out to look for her, when she was found on one of their doorsteps with one of their children. That's the most panic I've felt in a loooong time. Just glad we found her! Her biggest concern? Worrying that I would post this event on the blog. Who, me?

Now, to continue the tradition I started 3 mom's days ago, here are our annual Mother's Day pics of me and the kids (thank you to Auntie Lyssa for doing the photo shoot and saving me from 10-second-camera-timer hell!)


Sara Helmrich said...

Boy, do I know that feels! My Grace is notorious for wandering off, but she's only two and has no fear. Glad everything ended happily. Happy Mom's Day!

Tam said...

So stinkin cute! The weather looks terrific (I wasnt jealous a couple months ago but now I am starting to be more jealous -- dang AZ summers!) Happy Mo-day!

Kristi Smith said...

Awww . . . so cute!

Sorry she scared you like that, I can only imagine your panic!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Kristi Smith said...

Awww . . . so cute!

Sorry she scared you like that, I can only imagine your panic!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Donna said...

This is a Mother's Day you will never glad you found Hallie...what a scare! The photos are too cute...Alyssa you done good!
Happy Mother's Day, Jacey!
Love you,
Auntie Donna

The Magpie Bunch said...

Glad you found Hallie- nothing like a good old jolt of adrenaline- lets you know you're alive!! Love you Jacey! Aunt Gail

Deb said...

Great post. We have had that same experience with Austin. He is usually hiding under covers somewhere, playing the DS. Happy Mothers day.